Thursday, December 8, 2011

Skiing media distribution

Many skiers today make video edits of their best tricks, not many of them make alot of money from the edit, but there are also full length movies almost like a blog including video clips of them skiing and also them describing their times. This video below is an example of a small ski edit by Evan Heath off of the video website similiar to youtube, called Vimeo. In my opinion this is what makes skiing great, the fact that it is so easy to film yourself and your friends having fun in the terrain park or anywhere on the mountain. My question for you is what other awesome sports are there that you can take a video camera into the midst of action and create an equally awesome edit?

Glide! from Evan Heath Visual on Vimeo.


  1. Tim, Freeskiing is such an exciting sport; a bit crazy but very exciting! Filming a video is a great way to capture the essence of what it means to be involved in this type of sport. Most recently, the North Face advertisements have been showing videos of some Freeskiing. It looks so dangerous! Your parents must be so nervous when you’re out there! Do you compete in this sport? If so, how long have you been doing so? Is Freeskiing the same thing as Extreme Skiing? Best of luck in the upcoming winter ski season – have fun and stay healthy! Mrs. A

  2. Thanks for the comment mrs Alighieri, yeah your right my parents are always worrying about me, but I havent gotten hurt skiing for a while. I wish I could compete in some competitions, but I dont think I'm good enough this year hopefully with practice and determination I can learn some new tricks though. I dont think Extreme skiing is the same as Freeskiing because the way I classify Freeskiing is being in the park doing jumps and rails and park features like that.
